photo: Christian Falsnaes
photo: Christian Falsnaes
photo: Jen Osborne
photo: Jen Osborne
in 2017 i was invited to perform Christian Falsnaes' FEED
"a situation centered around rituals of submission and construction of power and authority; focused on exposure, expression of the self and staged behaviours" ​​​​​​​according to curator Anna Smolak. 
Any figure of proclaimed authority, especially played out, affects me personally, causing rather rejection than unquestionable respect. So in this project I was eager to get confronted and to confront. My task was to be this authority for the visitors entering the installation space. I had to accurately balance between direct manipulation and inaction, where the latest sometimes led to even bigger obedience of the people. On a top of all the curiosities discovered in this performance, I realized that human animals tend to forget that they actually have a choice. 

Future Generation Art Prize | PinchukArtCentre | Kyiv, Ukraine
FGAP Pavilion | La Biennale di Venezia | Venice, Italy
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