Leftovers is my final performance at the month-long art residency in Barcelona, where my original idea of sharing the residency with a pig was first considered, but then rejected by the curators in the first days of the residency. As part of arranging professional connections, they introduced me to Marceli Antunez-Rosa (co-founder of the legendary La Fura dels Baus) known for using alive animals or parts of their dead bodies in his work. After assisting him in preparation for his retrospective I received leftovers of his materials - hearts, tongues and pieces of pig skin. I involved them in "Leftovers" as a tangible link to the absent pig as an "absent referent" (term introduced by Carol J Adams, in "The Sexual Politics of Meat").
In the beginning audience faces me locked inside my studio with my hands reaching out from behind the security gate, offering a heart and a glove. In case someone takes the heart I open the gate and invite everyone inside to do three "emphatic exercises". After that audience is locked inside with me doing the same heart-offer to the passerby and in case of response I open the gate finishing the performance.
Photos: Candela Sol Muschetto