photos: L. Treise, C. Monasta, S. Marinozzi

Imponderabilia (1977)
duration: 1 hour non-stop / 200 hours total
photos: A. Balducci, M. N. Tatanelli

Freeing the Body (1976)
duration: 6 hours non-stop

photo: Gianluca Trusso Fogia
Freeing the Voice (1976)
duration: 7 hours non-stop
Photos: L. Treise, N. Larichi
Cleaning the Mirror (1995)
duration: 5 hours non-stop / 15 hours total
Luminosity (1997)
duration: 0.5 hours non-stop / 5 hours total
In 2017 I visited Marina Abramovic retrospective in Stockholm's Moderna Museet and got especially touched by the performance of a young lady brushing the skeleton. On my way out of the museum we met at the door and thanked each other for the presence. One year later I was already working at that very same exhibition and in some months a skeleton was put on my labs, with brush and bucket besides, so the next 5 hours I had a chance to clean up "the mirror". Time flows, foam drops down the bones, thoughts flow, visitors endlessly passing by... What do they see?
Marina Abramovic. The Cleaner | Bundeskunsthalle | Bonn, Germany
Marina Abramovic. The Cleaner | Palazzo Strozzi | Florence, Italy